Plac u mestu Kuk (Nacionalni park Lovćen) Kuk, 7.Cetinje

965.000€ /250€/m2
ID: 16148
Tip nekretnine: 3.Plac
Površina zemljišta (M 2)

Opis nekretnine

Prodaje se plac u mestu Kuk u Nacionalnom parku Lovćen. Površina placa iznosi 3860m².Na placu se nalazi ruševina površine 60m², a dat je i zahtjev u Ministarstvo turizma za legalno ucrtavanje i proširenje još 100m² objekta.Pored placa se nalazi struja i živa izvorska voda.Na placu izlazi novi put sa izlazne stanice Kuk, najatraktivnije žičare u Crnoj Gori, koja ubrzo počinje sa izgradnjom.Izlazna stanica se inače nalazi u blizini placa, na 1350mnv, dok početna stanica će biti u mestu Dub (opština Kotor). Očekivano otvaranje žičare je na proleće 2023 godine.A inače sa placa se prostire nevjerovatan pogled sa zalaskom sunca u more, i pogledom na bokokotorski i Tivatski zaliv.
Vlasništvo je 1/1 i nema tereta i ograničenja.
Cena 250€/m² – ukupno 965.000€

Lovcen National Park is located on Lovcen Mountain, which is part of the Dinaric Alps, and is located in southeastern Montenegro, between the Skadar Basin, Kotor Bay, Budva Riviera. It covers an area of 6,220 hectares, with the central and highest part of the mountain, which is a symbol of freedom and the „holy altar“ for the inhabitants of Montenegro. It was declared a national park in 1952 and has great cultural and historical significance among the local population.
The famous Lovćen serpentines are a kind of architectural relic, which is next to Njegoš’s mausoleum, one of the most visited places in the region.
Lovcen National Park is located at the intersection of two climate zones, the Mediterranean and the continental. Lovćen National Park is inhabited by numerous endemic and animal species, and it is interesting that one third of the total flora of Montenegro grows here.
Why is Lovcen National Park so special for locals and tourists from all over the world?
Here are some interesting facts to help you discover the secrets of this amazing place.
Njegoš’s mausoleum in the Lovćen National Park is considered a masterpiece by sculptor Ivan Meštrović, who combined architecture with art. It is the tallest mausoleum in the world and the place of eternal rest of Petar Petrović Njegoš.
From the top of Njegoš’s mausoleum in the Lovćen National Park, there is a beautiful view of the Bay of Kotor and Katun Nahija, which Bernard Shaw beautifully described as the „Stone Sea“.
The mausoleum is one of the most visited locations in Montenegro.
In the Lovćen National Park, about 70% are beech and oak forests, on a total of 4,299 hectares.
The remaining 30% are slopes, arable land and pastures.
There are a large number of endemics, protected and rare plants. Forests are afforested with species such as black hornbeam, ash, pine, silver linden, beech, spruce, etc.
The plant community consists of 1,300 species, many of which are rare, endemic, medicinal and aromatic plants.
Lovcen National Park also has about 200 species of registered mushrooms.
One of the most interesting facts about the Lovćen National Park is that one third of the total number of plant species in Montenegro and the Balkans live in the Lovćen massif.
When it comes to the fauna of the Lovćen mountain, there are mammals, such as wolves, foxes, rabbits, deer, bears, boars, etc.
White-breasted hedgehogs, moles, squirrels, karst mice, bats are typical representatives of the Lovćen National Park.
There are 200 species of birds that visit Lovcen National Park during migrations or nesting on it, such as robins, woodpeckers, sheaves, jays, locusts, etc. At the foot of the Lovcen massif there are springs such

Photos of National Park Lovcen


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Nikola Mladenović

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