Izdaje se komforan dvosoban stan u strogom centru Podgorice – Trg Nezavisnosti. 58m2 / IV sprat. Stan je dvostrano orjentisan, dnevna soba ima pogled na Trg Nezavisnosti, dok su spavace sobe juzno orjentisane i gledaju na dvoriste zgrade. Stan je renoviran i kompletno opremljen. Kompletna tehnika u stanu je nova, kao i kuhinjski elementi. Eloksirana bravarija, blind vrata, 3 klime, zidni radijatori, 2 LCD TV-a sa preko 150 kanala, neogranicen brzi internet. Posjeduje kompletnu aparaturu potrebnu za domacinstvo, kao i posudje. U dvoristu zgrade postoji veliki parking za stanare zgrade, basket teren kao i igraliste za djecu. Cijena – 750e…
The surface of the house is 66m2 while the surface of the yard is 230m2. The house is located in a beautiful place in the village Veruša, Podgorica municipality at 1200m above sea level. It consists of a ground floor and attic.On the upper ground floor there is a living room, kitchen with dining area and covered terrace 10m2 while on the first floor there is a small hallway bathroom and one bedroom which has the possibility of partitioning. The yard is surrounded by wire and pine trees and landscaped, in front and behind the house there are landscaped lawns.…