Komforan dvosoban stan u strogom centru Podgorice Podgorica

Property type: 1.Flat/Apartment


  • Air conditioning
  • Parking
  • Terrace/Balcony


Izdaje se komforan dvosoban stan u strogom centru Podgorice – Trg Nezavisnosti.
58m2 / IV sprat.
Stan je dvostrano orjentisan, dnevna soba ima pogled na Trg Nezavisnosti, dok su spavace sobe juzno orjentisane i gledaju na dvoriste zgrade.
Stan je renoviran i kompletno opremljen.
Kompletna tehnika u stanu je nova, kao i kuhinjski elementi.
Eloksirana bravarija, blind vrata, 3 klime, zidni radijatori, 2 LCD TV-a sa preko 150 kanala, neogranicen brzi internet.
Posjeduje kompletnu aparaturu potrebnu za domacinstvo, kao i posudje.
U dvoristu zgrade postoji veliki parking za stanare zgrade, basket teren kao i igraliste za djecu.
Cijena – 750e mjesec,uslovi plaćanja dogovor.

Contact the Agent

Ljubica Mladenovich

Real Estate Broker
As your real estate agent, my goal is to provide you with the best possible experience when buying or selling property. With my expert knowledge and experience, we will explore the market together to find the best options for you. Whether you‘re looking for the perfect home for yourself and your family or want to sell your property at the best price, I promise that everything will be done professionally and efficiently. I promise to be there for you throughout the entire process and ensure that your experience is positive and stress-free. Contact me today and let me show you how I can be your reliable and experienced real estate agent.
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